Why Take Multivitamin Supplements and Which Ones?
Health Articles

Why Take Multivitamin Supplements and Which Ones?

There are two common myths in both the medical fraternity and the lay public about food and multivitamin supplements.

Myth No. 1:

You do not need multi-vitamins or multi-mineral supplements because you can get all your nutrition from your diet (Medical myth)


Myth No. 2:

Taking a multivitamin supplement will take care of all one’s nutritional needs or deficiencies (Public myth)


Myth No. 1: Busted.

It would not be possible to get all your nutritional requirements from your diet, whether balanced or not. First of all doctors, nutritionists and scientists would disagree on what a balanced diet consists of. Secondly there is no one diet that suits everyone.  The body requires 60-90 nutrients per cell per day on average.  There are approximately 60-100 trillion cells in the human body, therefore 3600-9000 trillion nutrients per day are required.  Not only do you need these nutrients (some are however stored in the body as a reserve), they also have to be absorbed properly in the small intestine and carried to the cells and then metabolized (utilized) by the cells in the various organs and tissues.  The food in our diets are short of all the necessary vitamins, minerals, trace elements, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and probiotics necessary to sustain optimum health.  This is due to all the chemicals in our soil, water and air, the bad farming techniques, the pollution, the depleted soil, the long storage, and the food additives, as well as genetically modified food forms.  Stress, medication, exercise, growth phases, pregnancy and most diseases also increase the need for extra nutrition, therefore, DIET IS NOT ENOUGH.

The ideal multivitamin food supplement would contain more than just multiple vitamins.  The supplement would have to contain the following nutrients to be regarded as a good general food supplement, catering for most of one’s nutritional shortages:

  • Multiple vitamins
  • Multiple minerals
  • Multiple trace elements
  • Multiple antioxidants
  • Multiple essential oils
  • Multiple amino acids
  • Multiple enzymes
  • Multiple probiotics
  • Multiple superfoods

As this would be impossible to fit into one capsule to swallow and considerably expensive, any good multivitamin would need to contain at least a number of these different categories of nutrients, if one was looking to take only one or two general supplements per day.

XTREME HEALTH.CO.ZA has a general “ALL-IN-ONE” Multivitamin Supplement which has 6 of the important categories of nutrients, all in one capsule for a very affordable price, which is highly recommended (60 capsules container). 

The six categories are:

  1. Vitamins (e.g. A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E, Folate)
  2. Minerals (e.g. Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium)
  3. Trace elements (e.g. Boron, Chromium, Copper, Selenium)
  4. Antioxidants (e.g. Pine Bark, Grape Seed, Green Tea extracts)
  5. Probiotics (e.g. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum)
  6. Superfoods (e.g. African Potato)

The product is also wheat free, sucrose free, gluten free, yeast free, suitable for diabetics and contains no artificial colourants, flavourants or preservatives.


For more information, or to order the XTREME ALL-IN-ONE MULTIVITAMIN-MINERAL CAPSULES supplement, go to www.xtremehealth.co.za